Sheen: He's an action figure! And just for that, you can't borrow him!

A good example of this is in this exchange in "The Junkman Cometh", when Jimmy, Carl, and Sheen visit Brobot on the moon. Action Figure Justification: Sheen does not like when someone calls his Ultra Lord action figures dolls.Accidental Hug: Between Jimmy and Cindy in "Retroville 9" after they win their first baseball game against Butch's team, complete with a brief dance of joy until they catch on to what they're doing and promptly separate with an embarassed look on their faces.However, when they're next chronologically seen in "The Incredible Shrinking Town," they not only don't care for Skeet in the slightest, but he isn't even shown. Aborted Arc: The ending of "Men at Work" implies that the alien bandits Zix, Travoltron, and Tee, will attempt to hunt down and capture Skeet, whom they believe to be the technologically-upgraded McSpanky's captain, due his Employee of the Month plaque.His father is once shown to have an allergy to ice of all things. Abnormal Allergy: Carl has a ridiculous number of allergies, as do his parents.It was involved in a few crossovers with The Fairly Oddparents and in later Massive Multiplayer Crossovers in the Nicktoons Unite! series, Nicktoons MLB, and Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl. Throughout the early run of the series, Jimmy became a mascot for Nickelodeon. It was a fairly successful show, running for three seasons. As per the very nature of its premise the "science" was either never explained or clearly made up. The show strains to compensate for the lack of raw technical power with very clever visuals.

Of interest is that the film and television series was made from consumer-grade programs.

It is the first fully CGI-animated Nicktoon. The show lasted from Jto November 25, 2006. He, his robot dog Goddard and his best friends Carl Wheezer, Sheen Estevez, Libby Folfax, Nick Dean and Cindy Vortex save Retroville/the world from invention-induced disasters just about every episode.
Based on the 2001 movie Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, this CGI Nickelodeon series continues the adventures of Jimmy Neutron, a preteen genius who creates inventions in his underground lab.