Can I have testicular torsion without swelling? Is this a Testicular Torsion? testicular implants in labia Swollen epididymis - sent for ultrasound. Possible testicular torsion? 2 Average size lumps on top of right testicle Doctor appointment needed after testicular ultrasound? Tiny lump on testicle Slight testicular discomfort when sitting or lying down. Testicular transplant from a person to another person. Painless testicular torsion? Since recently my right testicle is larger Upper testicular pain Testicular Cancer/ Cyst? Lump in testicle Painful Epididymal Cyst, Usually it is a sharp pain in my testical or lower abdomen left testicular pain dull testicular pain testicular appendages radiating pain Is it normal for testicle to turn for 180°? Pelvic Ultrasound questions Scared of testicular bump Testicular pain. I'd say the only bad thing is that by the time you're done, there's so much goop on your balls that it's pretty much on there all day! -) Otherwise, nothing to worry about. The radiologist sends the pictures to the doctor when you're done so that the doctor can evaluate the results. Real-time images are sent to a computer and displayed on the computer screen. I believe the goop helps to make a better contact between you and the scanner. Possible testicular torsion 2 Average size lumps on top of right testicle Doctor appointment needed after testicular ultrasound Tiny. Seminomas, in general, arent as aggressive as nonseminomas. The testicles are the male reproductive organs that produce sperm and the hormone testosterone. It is the flesh-covered sac that hangs between the legs at the base of the penis and contains the testicles. Share Scrotal ultrasound is an imaging test that looks at the scrotum. Seminoma tumors occur in all age groups, but if an older man develops testicular cancer, it is more likely to be seminoma. Testicular ultrasound Testicular sonogram. In general, there are two types of testicular cancer: Seminoma. Answer (1 of 49): OQ: Is it legal for a female ultrasound tech to do a testicular ultrasound of a man in a room alone Last year a cancerous legion was discovered on my bladder. Testicular transplant from a person to another person. The type of testicular cancer you have determines your treatment and your prognosis. Anyways, she puts a bunch of goop on a little hand-held scanner device and just kind of goes back and forth over your testicles for about 15 minutes. Is it normal for testicle to turn for 180 Pelvic Ultrasound questions Scared of testicular bump Testicular pain. Mine dimmed the lights down a bit and it was actually kind of pleasant. Basically you get dressed in a robe, lie down on the table and cover your ding-dong with a towel. I had a woman radiologist do my ultrasound.

Basically you have to get an ultrasound to see what's going on inside your balls, you can't get an xray because the radiation is potentially damaging to sperm cells I believe. I had an ultrasound last month because I had some pain in my testicles, it turned out that I had some varicocels.